Tuesday, February 6 is Safer Internet Day” (SID). SID is a worldwide event held annually. This year the theme is “ Create, connect and share respect: A better Internet starts with you”. It will focus on the shared responsibility we all have to use the Internet creatively for the common good of each other. Our College will place a strong emphasis on students thoughtfully planning their online activities ensuring that they show empathy and respect for others.
Years 7 and 10 will be listen to a Cybersafety presentation from Legal Aid Speakers. Also some classes will have the opportunity to be involved in a writing activity entitled “Rewrite Your Story. Report Cyberbullying” which gives students a chance to rethink the actions could have made all the difference in turning a negative situation into a positive one.
eSafety - https://www.esafety.gov.au
Rewrite Your Story - https://esafety.gov.au/education-resources/classroom-resources/rewrite-your-story